I admire confidence in other people. Especially the strong, understated type. These kinds of folks don’t have to say it;
Base Your Prayers on the Promises of God
Every serious believer longs to summon up the kind of boldness and faith that can stand firm on Mount Carmel and pray
Christ Died For You
As Christians around the world observe Holy Week and prepare for Good Friday and Easter, Priscilla Shirer wants to
A Christmas Lesson From a Three-Year-Old
At Christmas, we celebrate Jesus' birthday. In this video from the Discerning the Voice of God Bible study, Priscilla
Are You in Alignment?
In this video from the Discerning the Voice of God Bible study, Priscilla Shirer uses the experiences she had in
Finding My Identity in Christ
In this video from the Defined Bible study, Priscilla Shirer tells the story of how she found her identity in Christ and
The Treasure Underneath The Trash
Often people pass by people in their circumstances and all they can see is the trash on the service. But as Priscilla