We all struggle with doubt and believing, yet we often pretend like we have it all together. In this clip from the James: Faith/Works study, Pastor Matt Chandler explains our struggle with doubt and believing and how God can take that little bit of faith and use it to do incredible things.
The entire video is above, and the complete transcript is below.
The good news is in that place where we’re fighting doubt – this spot where we’re like, “I believe; help my unbelief.” – this spot where we’re going, “I believe, but I’m struggling to hang on to that belief” – that God steps into that space and that faith is that mustard seed of faith that puts the Lord to work in our lives.
Look at me. I don’t know what version of Christianity you’ve bought into, but there’s really only one biblical version of it. And let me you catch you up on just a little bit of that. The little bit of that that you really need to embrace and know is there’s not a day coming where you’re not going to have to wrestle with your flesh and get to this place where trials will not eventually wear you down to the point of wrestling with doubt. At least at this level. Alright?
Life has a way of pounding on you in a Genesis 3 world and you shouldn’t feel guilt or shame about wrestling with doubt.
Jesus healed his son. He cast out the demon. This brother was like, “If you can…” And then Jesus was like, “If I can? I can do anything for someone who believes.” “I believe, but help my unbelief. I believe, but I don’t believe.” Okay. Boom. Healed him.
Let that encourage you. Moping around about, “I just struggle.” Yeah! Who told you you wouldn’t? Like, where did you get that? Of course, you do. But God honors the fight.
The double-minded is the man who’s like, “Uh, It’s not going to work. He’s not going to help me. He’s not gonna–” You’re not even crying out to God for help, because you believe that He won’t help you. That’s the double-minded man. Giving lip service to God. Pretending to be all put together, when you’re not.
What do you feel like your testimony needs to be?
“Doing great. Nailing it. Yeah, marriage is a train-wreck, but we’re fine.” (fire sound-effect) House on fire behind you like a Denzel Washington movie. “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it. What’s that? Oh, don’t worry about it. Nah, we’ll put that out. We’re good. Good. Matt was funny today, wasn’t he? Ha, he was so funny, I love that guy.”
Stop. You gotta quit pretending.