Should women further their education by being trained and equipped in the theology? We had a chance to talk to Dr. Emily Dean from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary at this past year’s Women’s Leadership Forum to discuss her opinion on women and theological education.
The entire video is above, and the complete transcript is below.
Serving in the seminary setting, I’m often asked the question, “Why should women pursue theological education and what value does it have for their ministries?”
And I would just encourage you to think of these things that, you know, God has called us to be equipped for whatever calling He has planned for our lives. And that we should take advantage of every opportunity that He gives us to pursue further training and grow in our knowledge of the Word. So that we can teach and equip women to be able to study the Word for themselves, to be able to study the Word for ourselves, and know what we believe and why we believe it.
So if you find yourself in a situation where you are leading just a handful of women or leading large groups of women, theological education can help in those contexts for being able to rightly divide the Word of truth as you teach women. God has called us to equip women. He’s called us to invest in the younger generation. He’s taught us to walk alongside women as we journey in this pursuit of Christ together.
And so it’s incumbent upon us to take advantage of the opportunities that God has given us. I’m so grateful for all of the opportunities that are available in theological education and we want to be sure that we are following God every step of the way, equipping ourselves, knowing what God’s Word says, and growing in that as we find ourselves leading other women.