Chris Adams has helped pioneer women’s ministry as we know it today. She has served women for nearly 40 years, including nearly 25 at Lifeway Christian Resources in Nashville, Tennessee as Senior Lead Women’s Ministry Specialist. Chris has seen how women’s ministry has changed and evolved over time.
The entire video is above, and the complete transcript is below.
I’ve been involved in women’s ministry now for probably 35 to 40 years, before it was really was women’s ministry. I’ve seen it change quite a bit from the first time that I was involved in what we now call women’s ministry to what it is today.
One of the ways, is that it was highly structured. We had everything in place and it worked for a period of time. In fact sometimes, once we got the structure in place, it lasted for several years. And what I see today in women’s ministry is that it is much more organic – which I don’t always like that word, but that’s really the feel of it.
Because everything is changing in our world so quickly. Women are changing, culture is changing. And that way we have to continue to keep the ministry changing to reach more and more women for Him.
And another way I’ve seen it change in a big time and I’m excited about this, is from event driven to get-in-the-Word driven. It is so much more focused on getting women into the Word, disciplining women for Christ, and then setting them free to do what He has called them to do.