Young girls and teenage girls often struggle with believing the lies that the world and their sinful hearts are feeding them. In this video, author Scarlet Hiltibidal traces these lies back to the Garden and explains how girls can refute these lies and live as daughters of the King.
The entire video is above, and the complete transcript is below.
I think that most common lies girls believe trace all the way back to the Garden. Eve wondering, “Does God really love me? Does He really know what’s best for me? Do I really have the best thing?”
I think that teen girls, young girls, they look to people and tangible things to tell them who they are. They think that if they are approved by a certain person or certain group of people then they’ll be loved and that’s the lie. The lie is they think that they were made for that.
I remember being a teenage girl and my dad saying, “Why do you put all of your energy into trying to make this one guy like you? You could be focused on so many other things.” And I remember hearing that and just thinking, “Yeah, yeah, yeah. But if the guy likes me, get the guy to like me.”
I think we all do that no matter what age we are. I think we all look to tangible things because they’re comforting and instantaneous. But because we were made for a relationship with Christ, if we look to any person or thing outside of Jesus, we are gonna continue to feel empty.
So I would encourage teen girls and mothers of teen girls and men and everybody to combat the lies that our hearts naturally want to believe. Because we are descendants of Adam and Eve who believed the first lies. Fight that with the Word of God. Remind yourself who you are in Him. Preach the good news of the gospel to yourself.
Just lay it all out there are say, “Who am I? I am forgiven and I’m loved and I’m a child of God. And that is the most important thing about me. And because of His death and resurrection, I can talk to God and I can pray and I can see things change because I talked to the person who created me.”
So I would just say, try to live there. That’s what I try to do. I try to remember that and preach it to myself and pray it, because I believe lies all the time too.