Tony Merida is the founding pastor of Imago Dei Church in Raleigh, NC. In his Bible study on Ephesians, he explains the importance of actually believing your identity is in Christ.
Speaking of a story about a teenage girl who, when reminded of the blessings of having an identity in Christ, laments the fact that she still can’t get a date:
Learn more about Tony Merida’s Bible study on Ephesians.
“You could believe in your head, ‘Yeah my identity is in Christ,’ but it’s quite another thing for that reality to get out of the clouds and work itself into the workplace, into your school, on your sports team. Because those are the contexts in which it is really hard for you to live in that identity.”
“This teenage girl expresses the challenge that we all have in knowing that which is true and living in light of it.”
“It’s one thing to know, ‘Yeah my identity is in Christ,’ but it’s quite another thing to live in that reality.”
“What we’re trying to do is become what we already are. It’s to live in light of this union in Christ that we have.”