Global Hunger Relief (GHR) is an initiative of the Southern Baptist Convention dedicated to combating hunger and sharing the Bread of Life.
Missions-focused GHR projects are carried out by Send Relief, a joint ministry of the North American Mission Board and International Mission Board. All GHR projects have an intentional spiritual strategy, work with Southern Baptist personnel, solicit local input and expertise, and have accountability measures built in.
Global Hunger Sunday is October 10, a day where churches unite to fight global hunger. We partner with churches and Send Relief to pray and collect a special offering to bring hope to the nations’ hungry. Learn more and give at
Along with gifts, we also want to take the time to pray for the people around the world who battle food insecurity. It may be difficult to know where to start, so here are some specific requests from GHR to help you as you pray.
Asia Rim Prayer Requests
- Pray that the COVID-19 recovery period along the Asia Rim will be swift and that low-income families will find sustainable work and food security.
- Pray that regional food production will regain momentum and stave off the inflation that has resulted from limited crop supplies.
- Pray that hurting people will not be forced to borrow money from loan sharks in order to purchase food.
- Pray that Southern Baptist partners will have the wisdom to help people in need while sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.
- Pray that the people of Asia Rim will turn to Jesus because of the GHR projects.
Central and South Asia Prayer Requests
Following strict lockdowns in one Asian city, an entire neighborhood was encircled with military vehicles enforcing new quarantine regulations. Very few people were allowed to enter the city from the surrounding villages, and those inside the barricade were not permitted to leave. This created a food crisis—especially for those from rural villages with no other access to stores.
Through the Global Hunger Relief fund, teams were able to distribute emergency food baskets to families on the brink of starvation. The partners were also able to share the gospel, and nearly 15 new professions of faith were made!
- Pray that supply chains between the city and surrounding villages would run smoothly.
- Pray these new believers would grow strong in their faith in the coming year.
- Pray the church in Central and South Asia would continue to reach out to their neighbors to meet both physical and spiritual needs.
- Pray for churches in Central and South Asia facing persecution. Pray for endurance, hope, and peace.
Europe and Middle East Prayer Requests
- Pray for families who are dealing with isolation and poverty simultaneously.
- Pray for individuals with disabilities to find alternate sources of income and community.
- Pray for church plants and local churches to rise up and meet the needs surrounding them.
- Pray for boldness and spiritual growth for the believers attempting to create a Christian community from the ground up this year.
- Pray that GHR projects in Europe and the Middle East will reach even more people who need to hear the gospel.
North America Prayer Requests
Wilson Coleman Sr. was the first patient to ever receive treatment at the Porcupine Dialysis Center on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. For nearly a decade, Mr. Coleman spent several mornings a week at the center. Dialysis days were hard on Wilson, his fellow patients, and their loved ones. Families often left hungry and weak, since the center wasn’t able to provide meals and there were no restaurants nearby.
After Wilson’s passing in 2018, his wife Ella shared his vision to make sack lunches and proclaim the gospel to those receiving treatment. Ella created a Tuesday morning sack lunch program at the center, and each sack is labeled with Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
- Pray that God will continue to use these meals to bring both physical and spiritual nourishment to the Oglala Lakota friends and community.
- Pray that this gift of a common sack lunch will be the catalyst for meaningful relationships.
- Pray for the patients and their loved ones as they navigate extremely difficult diagnoses.
- Pray that Global Hunger Relief funds will be used to share the gospel in other North American communities.
South America Prayer Requests
- Pray for South Americans as they struggle with food insecurity due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Pray for day laborers who have suddenly lost their jobs and cannot provide for their families.
- Pray for the Global Hunger Relief partners as they minister to those who are most vulnerable to malnutrition.
- Pray that new believers will find a local church and will grow in their newly found faith.
- Pray that future GHR projects in South America will be fruitful and effective in meeting needs and sharing the gospel.
Sub-Saharan Africa Prayer Requests
- Pray for families still in desperate need of food, that their hunger would be satisfied.
- Pray for the local and global church to be a beacon of hope as they minister to those in their communities who are suffering from undernutrition.
- Pray for farmers to reap a harvest and help end communal hunger.
- Praise God for the lives that have been spared physically and spiritually through these food distributions!
This post was adapted from prayer guides and other materials found at