Last year, Evangelicals around the world celebrated the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. In the Spanish-speaking world, though, we’re still waiting to celebrate our first. You see, when Martin Luther was nailing his 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella’s Spanish Inquisition was well underway (1478-1834). Any Protestants who made it to Spain quickly met a violent end.
Additionally, the successful Spanish conquest of what is now Latin America brought about a unification of language, culture, and Catholic religion, keeping Protestantism at bay. The result? The Protestant Reformation passed over the Spanish-speaking world.
It is only recently that we’ve begun to see the embers of a gospel flame starting to glow in the Spanish-speaking world. As with any reformation, there is no one source, no one place, no one church, no one “reformer.” Rather, through the internet, podcasts, books, videos, conferences, and relationships, the Holy Spirit is raising up a new generation of gospel-loving, God-glorifying men and women to pray for, encourage, and equip this work. But this work is only in the beginning stages. In fact, we hesitate to even use the word reformation. Instead, we refer to what is presently occurring as a possible awakening. We pray that this awakening might become a revival. And we hope that this revival may turn into a reformation. How can you join us in our desire for a reformation in the Spanish-speaking world?
Pray for an increasing awakening in the Spanish-speaking church.
Every day, I learn about more and more faithful pastors preaching the gospel in growing, healthy churches: here in the United States, the Dominican Republic, my native Puerto Rico, Cuba, Mexico, Argentina, and Colombia – and that’s just the places I’ve visited in the last two years. As more resources are available in Spanish, the church throughout the world is growing in hunger for the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray that this hunger would continue to grow and that the Spirit would see fit to awaken the Spanish-speaking world to the gospel and grant revival. And pray that such a revival may become a world-wide reformation.
Pray for the continued resourcing of the Spanish-speaking church.
Much of the good that we are witnessing in the Spanish-speaking church has been a result of God’s provision of faithful gospel materials in Spanish. Many of those resources are the same that the Lord has used to awaken a generation of young, vibrant Christians here in the United States, except they’ve been translated into Spanish. Additionally, though, we are beginning to see original resources written for the Spanish-speaking church by faithful Hispanic brothers and sisters. Pray that God would continue to raise up faithful brothers and sisters to continue writing in Spanish for the Spanish church.
Pray for faithful equipping of new pastors and leaders in the Spanish-speaking church.
The future of the Spanish-speaking church rests in the hands of indigenous pastors and church leaders who are rooted in the gospel and reliant on the Holy Spirit. They are the ones who remain in their churches throughout the year. One of the best things we can do is invest in equipping pastors, missionaries, leaders, and servants in the church for the work of ministry. Pray that ministries would be faithful in providing this training. The better equipped the church’s leadership is, the better equipped the church will be.
Pray for needed humility among the “young, restless reformados” in the Spanish-speaking church.
We praise God for all his kindnesses to us in the Spanish-speaking world, and we rejoice over the possibility of a new Protestant Reformation. Of course, as with any reformation, ours too will be messy. Some will go to extremes; others will complain that we don’t need another reformation. Still, the Lord is doing a new and exciting work. Pray that the Lord would grant us humility, for pride is the greatest threat to any work of the Spirit. Pray that we would faithfully exalt Christ and humbly rely on the Spirit for outcomes, and that whatever the Lord chooses to do, we would give him all the glory.