I’m a Christian father-of-two who keeps up with the news. So, am I scared about the world in which my children will grow up? Not a chance.
“Why not?” many believers ask. “Haven’t you seen the headlines? Sampled the abrasive climate? Don’t you know the state of the world and where it’s heading?”
Well sure, I’ve read the headlines, but I also read my Bible. And here’s what God says about the times:
“From one man he [God] has made every nationality to live over the whole earth and has determined their appointed times and the boundaries of where they live. He did this so that they might seek God, and perhaps they might reach out and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.” – Acts 17:26-27
These verses teach that God is intentionally involved in His world, even over particulars such as our birthday, nationality, and zip code. This passage also tells us why God is into these details—so we might have the best chance to seek, reach out, and find Him.
In other words, Zillow and Redfin weren’t the primary factors that led you to your current address. No, you live where you live, when you live, because God knew it was the best setting for you to have an opportunity to follow Him.
This is also true for our kids. God has reserved our children for this time and place for the sake of their optimal spiritual benefit. This is why the expression, “I’m scared about my children for the world they’ll grow up in,” is not healthy. When we think this way, we’re not, according to Scripture, really looking out for our children’s best interests. Instead, the Bible teaches there is no better time for our kids to grow up than right now, exactly when He has planned their lives.
As a father, I’m not willing to lament anyone’s ideas on where the future is headed. My children’s lives may be filled with tranquility. Or they could one day be martyred for their faith. I don’t know where God will send my children or what events will surround them, but I do know one thing: their period, place, and position in history is divinely purposed to bring God the most glory.
In light of this truth, it doesn’t matter what headlines grace tomorrow’s news. Because our sovereign God is in control, I’m thankful to raise children in this age and trust in His continued care over them when my generation has passed.