Dr. Russell Moore is the President of The Ethics and Religious Liberty Convention. He delivered a keynote session at the 2017 ETCH Family Ministry Conference in Nashville. At the end of his talk, he shared about what our children need most. Below are some notable quotes and the video.
“What our children need most…are not mentors who are good role models….Our children do not need us to pretend as though we are the people who are not in need of forgiveness of sins.”
“Discipleship is not about compliance. Discipleship is about repentance.”
“If our children hear and pick up this message of performance…they are either going to conclude, “I am meeting this therefore I am too good for the gospel,” or they are going to conclude, “I can never meet this. I can never come up to these expectations. I am too bad for the gospel. In either case they are being re-directed away from the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
“Our children and youth and young adults seem very confident to us. And yet, internally, they’re scared to death. And what they’re scared of is, “Is this all that there is?”
“The freedom that we have to give to our children is, ‘Jesus does not need you to succeed. Jesus needs you to follow Him.'”