I was 16 when I first knew there was something wrong with me. The doctors ran all the tests, covered all their bases,
3 Questions to Ask when Reading the Bible
Literature was a challenge for many of us in school. Trying to keep up with the characters and sub-plots can be
Before You Post Again
"Not many should become teachers, my brothers, because you know that we will receive a stricter judgment." - James
"To the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time
Meditating on the Wrong Psalm
Darkness is my only friend. Did you know that is the last line of a psalm? It is. “Darkness is my only friend” is
3 Ways to Live in the Fullness of God in Frightening Times
We all wonder what life on the other side of COVID-19 will look like and are tempted to live in fear. But Scripture says
The Bible, Human Suffering, and Pandemics
The quick escalation of the current medical crisis has witnessed no shortage of helpful and encouraging blog posts to
The Bible Meets Us In Our Grimy World
In this world we will face trials. In this clip from the James: Faith/Works study, Pastor Matt Chandler explains why he
What We Misunderstand About Bible Translations
What’s your favorite translation of the Bible? My guess is that you are able to answer that question fairly easily, and