Advent is a season of remembrance, and few things fuel us more than to remember, "For God loved the world in this way .
No Need to Hide Your Hallmark Love
It’s the embarrassing secret nobody wants to talk about, the guilty pleasure of a thousand winks and nods shared between
Confidence in the One Who Calms the Storms
The perils of potentially dangerous self-conversation go back—way, way back—much further than we may have
Jesus Is the True Friend
This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone
The Real Issue Troubling Our Minds Right Now
Remember the good ol’ days, when we could ask folks how they’re doing and a simple, guarded “good” would suffice as an
What Do You Mean You “Love” God?
I really didn’t want to go to hell. I suspect my peers felt the same way. Those of us who grew up in the post-Jesus
Consider the Birds
I was awake at 3:30 in the morning. My mind was racing as it’s been doing non-stop the past few weeks or so. Certain
Love: Hooked on a Feeling?
It was summer 2014. I was working at Summit Ministries in Manitou Springs, Colorado, where my fellow staffers and I
The Lord Cries Out to Us in Our Distress
Lauren Chandler is a worship leader, songwriters and author of Steadfast Love. In this video, Lauren recounts a