This post is a little different from our regular posts in that it is a family devotion taken from Scott James' new book,
There’s No Better Time for Our Kids to Grow Up
I’m a Christian father-of-two who keeps up with the news. So, am I scared about the world in which my children will grow
How to Make the Most of Summer with Your Kids—In Spite of It All!
Summer is here and yet, many of us feel like we have already had summer because our kids have been home from school or
4 Questions to Ask Your Kids on Good Friday
I was sixteen when The Passion of the Christ directed by Mel Gibson was released, and I’ve never since wept in a movie
Lessons in Talking to Kids About Tornadoes, Pandemics, and Other Tough Topics
On March 3, Nashville, where my children and I live, was hit by a tornado that devastated a miles-long swath of homes
How Do I Handle Screen Time With My Kids?
Screen time and how often to let your children be in front of screens can be one of the biggest stressors for modern
How to Get Your Kids to Read The Bible
As a Christian parent you want your children to engage in Scripture and read their Bibles, but how do you teach them to
How Do I Talk to My Children About Sex?
Talking to your kids about sex can be an intimidating and scary topic, but it's incredibly important. In this video, Dr.
Little Kids Need Big Biblical Words
“So, we’re going to present the story of Job to preschoolers?” I still remember the kids’ team meeting for The