Our culture is confused about what it means to be a man. Even notions of masculinity have, in many corners, become
5 Leadership Lessons From Gideon
The story of Gideon in Judges 6 and 7 is a familiar one to ministry leaders, and it’s one we might do well to revisit
What Pastors Need Most from Their Congregations
Last summer, pastors revealed their top concerns to LifeWay Research. And as COVID numbers have taken yet another recent
The Biggest Mistake Leaders Make When Implementing Change
Pastors and church leaders often find themselves in a time of major change in their church or organization. In this
4 Easy Ways To Start Being More Creative
We serve an incredibly creative God who has made us into creative people. But what do we do when we feel like we're just
The Other Reason Christian Institutions Die
It’s often touted in many of our circles that the death of a Christian institution is inevitable when mission drift or
3 Reasons the Church Should Invest in Young People
Young people are leaving the Church at an alarming rate and many of them feel as if they're not being invested in. In
Godly Leaders Welcome Correction
If you’re in any leadership position—whether a CEO over hundreds of employees or a parent raising children—you’re
Challenges For Women in Leadership
Being a woman in leadership comes with a variety of challenges, but as counselor and author, Selma Wilson, discusses in