Of all the important tasks kingdom life has to offer, there are few things more fulfilling than becoming Christlike
Leaving a Legacy of Bible Reading
Every morning, I roll out of bed, turn on the hot water for coffee, hope I remembered to grind the beans the night
6 Truths to Anchor Your Hope in This Mother’s Day
To be honest, this is really difficult to write. I have many convoluted feelings about Mother’s Day. I was given
The Sanctification in Motherhood
In December of 2011, my grandmother was very ill, and we knew that she wouldn’t likely be with us for Christmas. One
Moms: Do Not Believe These Lies
As soon as I closed the door to my oldest’s kindergarten class the tears started flowing. With a pinched face, I
Balancing Time Between Your Kids and Your Spouse
Finding a balance between taking care of your kids, taking care of your spouse, and also finding time to take care of
You Don’t Have To Be a Perfect Mom
As Mother's Day approaches this weekend, author Scarlet Hiltibidal shares some of the best parenting advice she ever
5 Ways Motherhood Has Shaped My Walk With Christ
For many moms, it can often feel as if everything is defined by their "pre-kid" life and their "mom" life. Our wardrobe
You Cannot Be a Perfect Parent
Just recently I sat in a room full of mommas, observing the variations in our parenting. Some moms read stories every