One temptation we face is always chasing the newest thing. Commercials seek to convince us that the newest car or phone
Use Your Summer Schedule for Evangelism
I don’t know about you, but I am a creature of habit. I like to think that I thrive in flexibility, but upon further
Why It’s Important to Persevere in Evangelism
Jesus told His followers not to toss pearls before swine. We also know that people come to Christ when He draws them to
Evangelistic Opportunities in the Aftermath of the Election
The election cycle is ending. Candidates have been selected, and most of the signs have been taken down. Now what?
Evangelism Is Sharing an Experience, Not Closing a Deal
You were born again for evangelism. Jesus said if we follow Him, we will be fishers of men (Matthew 4:19). He also said
The Single Most Important Element for Evangelism
We all know we should share our faith more actively. In a 2019 survey by Lifeway Research, more than half the