One of the most effective tools in your evangelism toolbelt is your testimony; the story of how the gospel shapes your
3 Simple Ways Churches Can Follow Up With Easter Guests
Although all guests want to feel welcomed at church on Easter, not all guests want to be aggressively pursued afterward.
3 Reasons to Invite Unbelievers to Church This Easter
If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is vain, your faith also is vain. . ., and if Christ has not been
4 Common Evangelism Mistakes and Why They Shouldn’t Stop You
If you want to heap great shame on most evangelicals just say, “Tell me about the last person you shared Jesus with.”
Reaching the Unreached at the Nail Place
I never once really considered the fact that I had hands until I adopted a Deaf girl and started waving them around all
Is Halloween the Devil’s Holiday?
When I grew up we didn’t celebrate Halloween. We did, on occasion, participate in a Fall Festival at our church where I
Fighting Fear Over Lunch
Fear runs pretty strong in the America I love these days. It bothers me. From the folks I have talked to, it seems to