One temptation we face is always chasing the newest thing. Commercials seek to convince us that the newest car or phone
How to Memorize Scripture: The Diary of a Struggling Memorizer
When I was a kid, memorizing verses was one of my favorite things to do. Well, mostly because I knew I would get some
Our Favorite Books of the Bible (at the Moment)
At Lifeway, we love the Bible. It's our favorite book. We treasure the opportunity we have to work with the Word of God
Leaving a Legacy of Bible Reading
Every morning, I roll out of bed, turn on the hot water for coffee, hope I remembered to grind the beans the night
How to Choose a Bible for Someone Else
Whether you are Team #PSL (pumpkin spice latte) or Team #Football, there's no denying the excitement that stirs as the
Bible Reading for Spiritual Growth
Followers of Christ understand the significance of reading the Word of God. As a spiritual discipline, Bible reading
A Soundtrack of Grace
The best songs can hold memories of people and places. Many of my songs are my own personal memories, or firsthand
How Learning About Genre Helps You Study the Bible
I have always had a love of literature ever since my older sister gave me The Count of Monte Cristo in the sixth grade
Advice for Studying God’s Word
For those who have studied the Bible for a long time and those brand new to reading Scripture, it can be difficult to