This has been the hardest season I’ve ever pastored through. In so many ways, it has felt like a wilderness season.
What True Connection Looks Like
Connection. The word seems trite, and many in a post-2020 ministry world may immediately put up their guard. Connection
Who Is Annie Armstrong?
Photo courtesy of the North American Mission Board Growing up in a Southern Baptist church, I heard the name “Annie
Why It’s Important to Persevere in Evangelism
Jesus told His followers not to toss pearls before swine. We also know that people come to Christ when He draws them to
Sharing the Message of Christmas This Year
This global pandemic requires us all to approach evangelism differently. Remember Easter? Normally we would invite
Evangelistic Opportunities in the Aftermath of the Election
The election cycle is ending. Candidates have been selected, and most of the signs have been taken down. Now what?
What If We Put into Practice What God Has Called Us to Do?
When David Platt took a trip to the Himalayan mountains, the staggering hardship he witnessed transformed the trajectory
Be the “Them”
From the time I was a child, the miracle of Jesus that probably most captivated my imagination was His feeding of the
Evangelism Is Sharing an Experience, Not Closing a Deal
You were born again for evangelism. Jesus said if we follow Him, we will be fishers of men (Matthew 4:19). He also said